One of our main goals at Bronco Baseball Academy is to help young players become more healthy physically and mentally. We know that the healthier an athlete's mind and body, the better they will perform on the baseball field. Thus, at BBA camps we practice drills that help players become stronger, more flexible, and more sound in their mechanics. We also help players practice their mental and emotional health which includes confidence, character, positive self-talk, goal-setting, dealing with adversity, and much more. Furthermore, our staff encourages campers to work on their focus, attention to detail, eye-contact, hustle, and other aspects of their behavior that will help them become more productive on and off the field.
From a practical standpoint, we remind players to drink lots of water throughout the day, reapply their sunscreen frequently, and get plenty of sleep at night. We also encourage healthy eating, and because of potential food allergies, do not allow campers to share their food with other players or staff members. We provide hand sanitizer and hand wipes after bathroom breaks and before lunch to help prevent the spread of germs and communicable diseases.
As coaches, teachers, and educators, we believe that if a camper improves their health - physically, mentally, emotionally, academically, etc - then they will perform better between the lines. Therefore, your child will often hear us talking about nutrition, stretching, mechanics, hydration, strength training, hand-eye coordination, and many other topics that are often overlooked at sports camps. If you have any questions about this aspect of camp, please do not hesitate to ask.
Our number one priority at Bronco Baseball Academy is the safety of our campers. We promise that every camper is directly supervised by an adult at all times. Whether it's drill time, game time, a water break, lunch time, or a bathroom run, we always account for every camper. At BBA, we maintain a higher player to coach ratio to ensure that every player is not only instructed well, but also supervised closely. We also require that our staff members stay in groups, so no camper is ever alone with a staff member.
We check-in all players in at the beginning of camp, take roll call after lunch, and every camper must be signed out by a parent or registered guardian with a photo ID at the conclusion of camp. Also, we will only release campers to parents or guardians listed on the player's registration. Please email me at [email protected] if anyone else is picking up your child or your child is going home in a carpool.
Besides adult supervision, a key aspect of camp safety is bat and ball safety. We have strict guidelines about picking up and swinging bats at camp. Only approved players can pick up and swing a bat, and all players are taught to do a 360 degree check before lifting a bat or swinging. We constantly remind the campers about bat safety and will enforce consequences if necessary. As for balls, we only use hardballs when we feel players are old enough and skilled enough. We use wiffle balls and training balls to help player's confidence and to keep our campers safe.
Our top priority at BBA is to keep every camper safe. All of our instructors are required to submit and pass a state background check, and most have worked as an employee for a local school district. We have a thorough staff training and specifically cover issues around health and safety. If you have any questions about camper safety, our safety procedures, or any other safety issues, please feel free to ask.
To help ensure that our campers remain healthy, safe, and supervised at all times, we employ a certified Athletic Trainer at all of our camps. The Athletic Trainer is equipped to handle medical issues and deal with emergencies if they arise. They monitor allergies, hydration, temperatures, energy levels, and the like.
Our Athletic Trainer is trained to teach the campers about proper hydration, nutrition, sleep, and strength training so that campers develop more knowledge about their minds and bodies. If you have any questions about our Athletic Trainer, please lets us know.
Bullying is when one or more people exclude, tease, taunt, gossip, hit, kick, or put down another person with the intent to hurt another. Bullying happens when a person or group of people want to have power over another and use their power to get their way, at the expense of someone else.
At Bronco Baseball Academy, bullying is inexcusable, and we have a firm policy against all types of bullying. Our Camp philosophy is based on our mission statement which ensures that every camper has the opportunity to improve their baseball skills, have fun with their friends, and increase their love of the game. We work together as a team to ensure that campers gain self-confidence, make new friends, and go home with great memories.
Unfortunately, persons who are bullied may not have the same potential to get the most out of their camp experience. Our leadership team addresses all incidents of bullying seriously and trains our staff to promote communication so both staff and campers will be comfortable alerting us to any problems during their camp experience. Every person has the right to expect to have the best possible experience at camp, and by working together as a team to identify and manage bullying, we can help ensure that all campers and staff have a great summer at BBA.